Category Archives: open thread

"WARNING" – Open Thread

By Patrick
It is time again for an entertaining open thread! One of our readers yesterday sent us a photo of the following sign, which was attached outside the “The Gallery at 945 Chung King Road” in Los Angeles, which presently is holding an exhibition of nude photographs by the photographer Ed Freeman. This has to be one of the funniest “warnings” I have ever seen – but it also elegantly points to some of the more serious problems with which America is confronted right now.
Be warned:

Warning2 picture Los Angeles
In case this sign whet your appetite for more amusement, please check out this wonderful clip featuring Green Day’s song “American Idiot”, which was published just yesterday on youtube. It also features some of your least favourite politicians, including Queen Esther:
Speaking about Queen Esther:
The same youtube-user “Bluesman63” made a clip with “Sarah Palin’s Proudest Moments.” It’s actually a really interesting clip, as it is so easy to forget how many awful appearances Sarah Palin had over time. It’s well worth watching:
Just seven days until the books of Joe McGinniss and Levi Johnston will be published!
Don’t forget to buy them both! 🙂
If you cannot afford to buy them, please write to Kathleen, as several readers promised to donate copies. On the day of the release, we will put all the names in my real American cowboy hat and pick the winners by random. Good luck everyone!

Mental Health Break – Having lots and lots of fun with Sarah Palin

By Patrick
Sarah Palin missed her calling, she should have become a comedian. I have never seen a better parody of a politician. It’s time to celebrate this unrefudiable fact with a little fun post!
Let’s start with Jon Stewart and the Daily Show – due to the latest events, Sarah “Queen Esther” Palin again is firmly in his cross hairs! Hurray! Sarah receives the Stewart treatment, and it has rarely been more deserved. In case you haven’t seen it, note what the “gotcha” question was that poor Sarah complained about!
Did you know what Sarah publicizes…?
What else was there? Oh, Conan had a lot of fun with Sarah’s interview with Chris Wallace as well and published his own version:

This was a mash up. of course. In case your day wasn’t painful enough already, you can also watch the full interview here:
Part 2 (Sarah refuses to acknowledge Paul Revere gaffe – watch from 1:01)



Ladies and gentleman, despite the fact that Jon Stewart was already brilliant, here comes Stephen Colbert, who absolutely outdoes himself with his recreation of Paul Revere’s ride – a must-see (click for video)!
Finally, I present a clip which is supposed to be dead serious – but is in fact dead funny. A new excerpt from Sarah Palin’s new film “Triumph of the Grifter” (copyright of the phrase: Jim Newell from Gawker). Did you know that Sarah Palin was an ENORMOUSLY powerful CEO, basically the Queen of the CEO’s? Well, in case you didn’t know yet, then you are lucky: There are quite a number of dead serious people who are very, very eager to tell you!
Lastly, a sweet surprise:
Yesterday in the comments I mentioned a film review by Kyle Smith, published in the conservative, Murdoch-owned “New York Post.” Kyle Smith slammed “The Undefeated” with a vengeance.
To use one of RAM’s favorite old phrases: It’s vintage. Enjoy:

If you’re hopeful (or worried) that this movie is the secret trigger for a Palin relaunch, don’t be. Even if you fixed the blaring soundtrack and took out all the symbols of the cataclysmic evil opposing Palin (barking dogs, disaster footage, a closeup of Rosie ODonnell), you’d still be left with a hopeless sputtering jumble.
The busted logic and narrative chop of The Undefeated dont suggest the phrase, spirited new defense of Palin. They say, cyclone landed here.

News clips of Palins tenure in Alaska as mayor of Wasilla, chair of the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and governor are narrated solely by friends and allies. They keep telling us that she (a) adhered strictly to small-government, free-market conservative principles yet (b) used the full power of government to make peoples lives more splendid. For instance, Palin is said to be cutting both taxes and spending in Wasilla. Fine. A minute later she is credited with unleashing an economic boom there by laying water and sewer lines and building roads that attracted national retailers. So which is it? Expansionist, or minimalist? Was she Wasilla’s FDR or Calvin Coolidge?

Similarly, as we learn about Alaskas Survivalist Socialism all the precious fuel in the ground belongs to the state; oil companies can only lease drilling rights Palin is portrayed both as a free marketer and an antagonist of same who took on Big Oil by working with the Democrats to raise oil taxes.

In one scene, were told she didnt care about polls; in the next, shes bragging about her approval rating (88%). She says she doesnt put much stock in such surveys yet I figured my administration must be doing something right. So does her recent approval rating of 28% tell her that she must be doing something wrong?

Perigee moon open thread

The last few weeks have been pretty stressful. I thought you might all enjoy an open thread and a beautiful image to contemplate as you share your thoughts.
Here is a little info on the perigee moon. And here are some beautiful photos on HuffPo.

The joys of old and new technology – Open Thread

By Patrick

We live in times where “old technology” and “new technology” sometimes struggle with each other. So let’s take a short look in this open thread at the benefits of some “old” and “new” concepts.

First, let’s celebrate a revolutionary concept of “old technology” – The BOOK:

In contrast, new technology is mostly “digital”, and it enables us to push the boundaries.
For example, virtually everybody can create a “time lapse” video these days – and produce stunning results.
Below is one of the best examples which can be found on youtube – a Vancouver City time lapse clip.
You should click on the menu where it says “360” and watch it in HD in order to get the full experience. In case you do that, choose HD, then click play, but then immediately pause the video first for several minutes before you watch it in full, because otherwise it might get “stuck” from time to time.
Also, click on the lower right corner in order to watch it full screen. Enjoy!

A particularly stunning time lapse video can also be found here: The “Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.”
Another masterpiece with scenes from Vancouver: Olympic City time lapse.
With the next post on Sunday, we will return to the serious and important political issues.
Our reader HonestyInGov had a great idea and has compiled for us a list of important people on twitter (media, politicians etc.), who could be “addressed” in our own tweets – like “@maddow” or similar. This is very helpful for everyone who is on twitter!
Have a nice evening, everybody!